
關(guān)于CyberC 2020 征稿通知: 第12屆網(wǎng)絡分布式計算與知識發(fā)現(xiàn)國際會議(重慶,截稿日期:6/21/2020)

 2020/4/30  來源: 本站

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Call for papers

The 12th International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC)

Chongqing, China, September 17-19, 2020

Technical Co-sponsors: IEEE, IEEE ComputerSociety, IEEE TCSIM (Technical Committee on Simulation), IEEE CommunicationsSociety (ComSoc) Technical Committee on Big Data (TCBD)

Organizer: Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Co-hosted by: Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications, Zhengzhou University, Chongqing Institute of Engineering

Sponsored by: ZTE, Huawei, AT&T, InfoBeyond, Tech Mahindra


Web: www.Cyberc.org

Publication: IEEE (EI & Explore); Special Issue: Journal of Sensors (EI, Impact Factor 2.475)Submission Due Date: June 21, 2020

Paper submission: EDAS (https//edas.info/N26997), or Submit your paper to emailPapers@cyberc.org with the title of "CyberC 2020 Submission".

Contact Us: Papers@cyberc.org/ CyberC QQ:1625638480

2020 Theme: Cyber Computing of AI/ML, Blockchain, Big Data, Image, and 6GScopes: CyberC promotes an in-depth exploration of the most recent research and developments in the areas of AI, Blockchain, big data, distributed computing, clouds, cybersecurity, image computing, mobile computing, the Internet of Things, and other cyber-based technologies. Professors, scientists, engineers, and students in these areas are encouraged to participate. CyberC also welcomes industrial participation.Summits: CyberC 2020 co-hosts Emerging Technology Summit (AI/ML, Blockchain, Big Data, Image, 6G) forum that emphasizes innovative and state-of-art R&D, industry products, specifications, showcases, tutorials, technical transitions, and markets.


The topics of interests include, but not limited to:


Cyber Network and Cyber Security

·      Cyber network, configuration, cloud, IoT, and wireless communications

·      DDoS, Ransomware, and cybersecurity attacks and detection

·      Multistage attacks, data security, AI and intrusion detection

·      Risk assessment, management, and network monitoring

·      Authentication and Access Control

·      Learning model for attack behavior, prediction, and game theory

·      IoT and security

·      Deploying machine learning and AI to enhance security and privacy

·      Cyber security and privacy

·      Blockchain theory and its applications (smart grid, healthcare, ICS, etc.)

·      Deploying machine learning and AI to enhance security and privacy

·      Cyber security and privacy, standardization, compliance, and forensics

·      Moving target defensing, image, and target detection

Cyber Data and Analytics

·      Big data algorithms, models, and systems for big data

·      AI, Neural Network, Deep Learning

·      Machine learning, and big data architecture and analytics

·      Big data software design, middleware, and analytics

·      High-performance computing, and intensive data networks

·      Massive data streaming, scalable computing, big data task deployments

·      Cloud and high-performance computing for big data

·      Data retrieval, storage, query, communications, and database

·      Data preservation, filter, provenance, and assurance

·      Data security, protection, integrity and privacy standards, and policies

·      Graph mining and opinion mining, and distributed data mining

·      Data streaming, multimedia, stream, or web mining

·      Social media and social network analytics
Security and information assurance for Big Data


Cyber and Distributed Computing

·      Authentication, trust, privacy and other Cybersecurity issues

·      Parallel and distributed algorithms, resource allocation, and load-balance

·      Cloud computing, mobile cloud, mobility-aware cloud data/streams

·      SOA, web services, and mobile services (software, infrastructure)

·      Web services and internet computing

·      Web-caching, content delivery systems, and data distribution systems

·      Distributed applications, modeling language, and software engineering

·      Pervasive/ubiquitous computing and intelligence


Cyber Image and Surveillance 

·      Texture image representation and classification

·      Computational imaging

·      Image processing

·      Image& video systems and applications

·      Deep learning for images and videos

·      Color, multispectral, and hyperspectral imaging

·      Medical image computing

·      Deep learning models for medical image analysis

·      Image computing

·      Sensing, representation, modeling, and registration

·      Stereoscopic, multiview, and 3D processing

·      Biometrics, Forensics, and Security

6G and Mobile Computing

·      Wireless networks, mesh networks, MIMO and 6G

·      Industry control network, networking theory, and algorithms

·      Wireless embedded sensor systems, body sensor, smart cities & security

·      Cognitive radio and SDR

·      Future generation communications and pervasive computing

·      Peer-to-peer network computing and overlaying networks

·      Directional antenna and networking

·      FDMA/OFDMA modulations, synchronization, and power optimization

·      Mobile IP and Internet technology

·      Key, attacking models, privacy, confidentiality &security in mobile networks

·      Communication, services, middleware, and multimedia on wireless networks

·      QoS, reliability, performance, and communication theory

·      Wireless network simulations, implementation, and applications


Cyber Computing and Clouds

·      Autonomic, real-time and self-organizing clouds

·      Architectural models for public and private cloud computing

·      Cloud resource management and allocation

·      Utility models and service pricing

·      New parallel / concurrent programming models for cloud computing

·      Scientific computation and other applications in the cloud

·      Mobility modeling, management, and measurement for mobile clouds

·      Mobile multimedia content delivery, transferring, and migration 

·      Content delivery networks using storage clouds 

·      User Experience and Cyber Security

·      Performance evaluation, measurement, and optimization

·      Communications and network security 

·      Information security, software security, system security, or cryptography 

·      Tools, test-bed, simulations, and experimental environments 

·      Collaborative and cooperative environments

·      QoS, Autonomic, reliability, and fault-tolerance

Co-hosted Workshops

·      Big Data & AI: The 7th InternationalWorkshop on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, 2020

·      Security: The 8th workshop on Cyber Security and Privacy, 2020

·      Blockchain 2020: The 2nd workshop on Blockchain, 2020

·      Cyber Image: The First International Workshop CyberImage, 2020



The CyberC 2020 Proceedings will be published by IEEE CPS. Full papers for CyberC 2020 must not exceed 10 pages of IEEE 2-column format, while short papers must not exceed 4 pages. Please visit the conference web site at http://www.cyberc.org for precise formatting and submission instructions.



Submission deadline for full (10-page) and/or short (4-page) papers: June 21, 2020

Notification of acceptance: July 12, 2020

Registration and Camera-ready: August 1, 2020



CyberC 2020 provides a special channel for you to submit your extended version to Journal of Sensors by MDPI. After submission of a CyberC version, you can submit an extended version to Journal all the time before December 30, 2020: First submitted, first reviewed. Other journal information can be found at http://cyberc.org/Callforpapers/SpecialIssue


Anup Kumar (Chair) - University of Louisville, USA

Suryadip Chakraborty - Johnson C. SmithUniversity, USA

Chi-Ming Chen - AT&T Labs, USA

Chih-Lin I - China Mobile, China

Yang Yang - ShanghaiTech University, China

Jiangzhou Wang - University of Kent, UK

Tzyh-Jong (TJ) Wang - AT&T Labs, USA



See www.cyberc.org



For more information about the conference, please visit www.CyberC.org, contact us atPapers@CyberC.org or Program Chair.

CyberC QQ:1625638480


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